Monday, August 16, 2010

Home School Time!

Yes, it's that time again. It's still very hot and seems like summer should not be over yet. Donya and Sarah started their homeschool co-op today. They start early because they have a short semester.

Donya is taking: High School Spanish 1, Chemistry with lab (Abeka), High School Essays (IEW), Theater. Sarah is taking, High School Spanish, Physical Science (Apologia). Middle School Essays (IEW), Christian Worldview (Cornerstone)

At home they are doing Math with Teaching Textbooks, Donya is using Sonlight Core 300 for History, Bible and Literature. Sarah will be doing Mystery of History . They will both be doing Vocabulary from Classical Roots. We also use Daily Grams, Sarah will be doing the grade 7 and Donya will be doing the Senior high level. Some other things we use is Copywork from Queen Homeschool and a smattering of other things as we need them.
All the girls take piano as well.

As for the little ones:
Sophia, 6th grade: Christian Light Reading, Christian Light social studies, Teaching Textbooks, Daily Grams, we read aloud the Catherine Vos story Bible and she is reading a book called A Girl of Beauty, also handwriting using Copywork from Queen Homeschool. For science Apologia, Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy and Physiology, she is doing that together with Samuel (4th grade).

We're also reading aloud Daughters of Destiny (all the girls), Jesus Freak and Voice of the Martyrs magazine. One thing I plan on reading aloud this year which I really LOVE is the Good and Evil book by Michael Pearl at No Greater Joy. I love this book and I am glad that the two little boys are now old enough to sit and read it with us. It's awesome book!

Ok, I have three children to go but it's late, so I will finish tomorow! Stop by again in a few days!

1 comment:

Annie said...

WOW!!! I am very impressed! For someone just starting out in the home schooling world, I just have to say - WOW!!

Thanks so much for your comment. It helps a lot:):):)