Thursday, December 23, 2010


Ok, I've been trying to post for several months but blogger won't me post any pictures. Seems now it's working! Well we are on Christmas holiday! So happy for the break! We need it. Samuel is off for 2 weeks and we are all enjoying our time together. The girls had a piano recital and they all did great! Donya was in the end of semester play at DE and it was really good.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Changes for 10th grade

We decided that Donya will not be doing Sonlight Core 300. Instead she will be using Notgrass World History. We both decided that Sonlight was too much reading. We have loved Sonlight in past years but decided she needs something different this year.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

homeschool curriculum for 4th grade and K

Ok, so here is what we are doing this year. I'm not totally sure that I LOVE it all yet, but we are going to stick with it because I already BOUGHT it! I'll tweak it here and there if I need too.

Samuel, 4th grade: Christian Light Reading, Math and Social Stuides. Easy Grammar, Handwriting Without Tears, Explode the Code, Apologia Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy and Physiology with the Notebooking Journal, Catherine Vos Story Bible, I try to read aloud at breakfast but sometimes can't. In that case I do it later in the day. Kai and Corwin sit with us and listen while I read. Right now Samuel is reading Childhood of Famous Americans, Thomas Jefferson. We're also reading aloud the Good and Evil Book. I know it's another bible story but it's SO GOOD! Also I just ordered some of these, I can't wait to get them!

Well thats about it for now, It's late, I'll post our K stuff tomorrow and upate on 10th grade!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Home School Time!

Yes, it's that time again. It's still very hot and seems like summer should not be over yet. Donya and Sarah started their homeschool co-op today. They start early because they have a short semester.

Donya is taking: High School Spanish 1, Chemistry with lab (Abeka), High School Essays (IEW), Theater. Sarah is taking, High School Spanish, Physical Science (Apologia). Middle School Essays (IEW), Christian Worldview (Cornerstone)

At home they are doing Math with Teaching Textbooks, Donya is using Sonlight Core 300 for History, Bible and Literature. Sarah will be doing Mystery of History . They will both be doing Vocabulary from Classical Roots. We also use Daily Grams, Sarah will be doing the grade 7 and Donya will be doing the Senior high level. Some other things we use is Copywork from Queen Homeschool and a smattering of other things as we need them.
All the girls take piano as well.

As for the little ones:
Sophia, 6th grade: Christian Light Reading, Christian Light social studies, Teaching Textbooks, Daily Grams, we read aloud the Catherine Vos story Bible and she is reading a book called A Girl of Beauty, also handwriting using Copywork from Queen Homeschool. For science Apologia, Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy and Physiology, she is doing that together with Samuel (4th grade).

We're also reading aloud Daughters of Destiny (all the girls), Jesus Freak and Voice of the Martyrs magazine. One thing I plan on reading aloud this year which I really LOVE is the Good and Evil book by Michael Pearl at No Greater Joy. I love this book and I am glad that the two little boys are now old enough to sit and read it with us. It's awesome book!

Ok, I have three children to go but it's late, so I will finish tomorow! Stop by again in a few days!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

more pictures from Monday

Hannah, Sophia and Tracy. Sophia gettig IV for contrast and Sophia right after CT scan,Sophia and I in waiting room after she drank yucky contrast drink.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Please pray for this little girl Daisy

This little girl has a wilms tumor.Not the same kind that Sophia had but a cancerous tumor just the same.She went thru months of chemo and they thought it was gone but they just found out that it is back. Please pray.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Long time

I know it's been a crazy long time since I've posted an update!

So sorry, but it's been a busy few months. In a few days I'm going to post a major prayer request. Please come back because its so important!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Camping and other cute pictures!

Guess what these little guys are doing? They found their sisters old doll furniture and are playing Littlest Pet Shops with the furniture. So precious!
Tomorrow is school for Sara and testing for everyone else!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Pictures from Virginia

Hey everyone! Its the fabulous Donya ;)
My moms been super busy lately and she asked me to update for her! Here are some of the pictures from her, Samuel and Sophia's trip to Fairfax Station, Virginia:

Sophia and Hannah! Aren't they pretty! We had a great time! Thanks Chad and Tracy!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Life and homeschooling=(almost) no time for anything else!

Yes, yes, I know that I've neglected the blog for a long time! So here is the lowdown on what is going on:

I just got back from VA and MD and had a wonderful visit with my dear brother and sis in law and their family.

Kai and Corwin are playing soccer. Their first game was today!

Sarah is taking Tae Kwon Do and is a yellow belt!

Sara Kim is doing great at school and making lots of friends!

Donya is studying hard and has lots of homework.

All the girls are playing piano, Donya - 7 years! Sarah - 6 years! Sophia- 2 years!

We're still homeschooling using: Sonlight Core 100 (Donya) core 6 (Sarah) and core 4 (Sophia) for history and literature. We're doing Story of the World Volume 1 with Samuel.

Bible: The girls are reading the bible everyday.I let them choose what passages/chapters they want to read. Sometimes we do a devotional book. Samuel is doing Christian Light Bible grade 3 plus we are reading His Mighty Warrior.

Math:Teaching Textbooks, Algebra 2 (Donya), Pre Algebra (Sarah), Christian Light gr.5 & 3 math (Sophia and Samuel).

Grammar and LA: Vocab. from Latin Roots, Easy Grammar, Wordly Wise, and some AO Lifepacs. Samuel and Sophia are doing A Reason for Handwriting.

Science: Apologia Biology with labs (Donya with a co-op),Apologia Physical Science (Sarah), Apologia Botany (Sophia), Abeka gr.3 (Samuel)

And...various other things I can't think of right now!

Corwin and Kai: right now they are doing various preschool workbooks that I pick up and there. But soon I will starting them on kindergarten. We'll be doing Explode the Code book 1, either Singapore math K or Horizons K. Handwriting without tears and History for Little Pilgrims and maybe a Sing Spell Read and Write workbook.

So right now it's late and we have church tomorrow so I'll post some updated pistures tomorrow!