Friday, January 11, 2008

Catch up

I know I been terrible at updating this! Forgive me, I have six kids!

Things have been going pretty good. We had a nice quiet Christmas and Corwin turned three in November, also he got his Certificate of Citizenship in October. We spent Thanksgiving with some wonderful friends. Also Sophia turned 9, Samuel is now 7 and this month Sarah will be 11. Where is all the time going? We will also have our first teenager in April.......please help me!

Ok , lets see Corwin saw the cleft palate surgeon and he is won't need anything for at least a year. Also saw an ENT and there is some indication that he has some very mild hearing loss. We are scheduled for an in depth hearing test in April.

Homeschooling is ....hmmmmmmmmmm, how shall I put it? Challenging right now but we are taking it day by day.

I have posted some new pictures.